Today's Daily Devotional

Meditate on My Word and live by it at all times.

My Word gives you joy. Read it day and night. Meditate on it, thinking about it constantly. Never stop reading the Book of the Law. Do everything written in it. Keep it close to you at all times. You will have success everywhere you go. As you read, you will learn to have respect for Me.

You can also carefully obey it. Read it with thoughtfulness and linger over My Word. These words are your spiritual food. Treasure them more than your daily bread. It will nourish your spirit. Blessed is the person who is not just a hearer of My Word but a doer.

Blessed are those who obey it. They won't follow the advice of evil people. They don't make a habit of doing what sinners do. They don't make fun of Me or My Law.They will always produce fruit.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

— Joshua 1:8

but whose delight is in the Law of the LORD, and who meditates on His Law day and night.

— Psalms 1:2

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